It didnt say anything about that i didnt had permission to do that. I doesn't say when am getting unbanned eather. This is the second time i Write something on the forums. I think it is kinda stupid to get banned for something that the rules doesnt say, and that i use the command /jump to get there. It was Tin that banned me and i hope that a mod can help me :(
If you're caught in the guard room, you get banned no matter what. There are rules in there saying that. Yes I have been in there, but not when a mod is on, I actually got tped in there by Dewb, so yeah.
Why the Diaagree, you aren't allowed in the guard room under any circumstance and he is publicly announcing the fact he has been in there meaning he has rebeled against one of the rules, this rule is a pretty big rule on prison so I described him as a mad rebel.