First, how I would rate someone: 0/10: This person has no hands. 1/10: Just joined the game, barely knows how to move, knows little or nothing about armour or potions. 2/10: Knows a bit about armour and potions, can move back and forth and click but is still quite awful at pvp. 3/10: Understands potions and armour, can click and move but knows nothing about strafing, comboing or the like. 4/10: Is still not great at pvp, knows a little about strafing and comboing ect but cannot perform any of them. 5/10: Is ok at pvping, can do a little strafing and comboing but doesn't know of any other pvp tricks. 6/10: A decent pvper, the average for someone who has played the game for a while. Can strafe and combo, even if they are a little rusty, and may know a few other tricks. 7/10: A good pvper, knows well how to strafe and combo, knows most aspects there are to pvp and knows quite a few other tricks. 8/10: A really, really good pvper, up with the best of them and who knows all aspects of pvp, basically all the tricks, and who can take out groups much bigger than just himself without help. Unless something is wrong with them they are very hard to kill, usually people who are 8+/10 are well known for it and are in the top 30 or so in the server. 9/10: The best of the best, these people are incredibly hard to beat and know everything to do with pvp. A terror in a fight, they are a serious force to be reckoned with, and it is best to stay out of their way unless you are an 8/10+ at pvp. They will make the occasional mistake but are quick to come back from it. 10/10: Never makes a mistake, come across these people and you're screwed without backup. To be a 10/10 you usually need an extremely low ping. You may be wondering why I made this? Recently I have seen many applications of people saying they are 8s, 9s and 10/10s at pvp, while they are in fact 5/10s or less. After seeing so many people do this I decide to make a little list so people could stop kidding themselves about their skill. Also, to people who say "Oh, but one time I killed (Insert 8+/10 pvper here)". Hey, that's great! But killing a god pvper once doesn't at all make you better than them. So many people say this and I have no idea who they're trying to fool when they say it. Edit: This was copied from the server I originally come from, I just thought it a good idea to use it.
And where did you find this may I ask? If you made it, this is your opinion about how they should be rating.
To me there are a lot of 5-8 so they should get less credit... like this one time I killed a guy with no armor and 1 splash poison...
Yea, thats why i said theres a lot of 5-8 plus Oniontacobean, that's funny, but if that was true, you'd be a hacker or admin.
:D today i just took out like 3 diamond people withouth full diamond armor on KitPvp withouth dying :D
I think im 9/10. Many players ive met die right in front of me and some petty op people that are on /mctop swords (etc) say im really good at pvp :D. sometimes when i just get on im like 5/10, but then i warm up and then i get around 9/10 unless i get killed. I always get killed by Hackers (Ismael_44, Herculigan, and xXAzukyXx, etc). I think Eggj is 10/10 xD ive seen him