So /titan gets /heal <name> on all servers. But there needs to be a 15min cooldown. This is because it is unintentionally being abused in reg factions. ./heal gets rid of pot effects, so when im being invis, or having str II, /heal gets rid of those effects. This is putting a stop in my play time and making it unenjoyable. Can you please add a 5min cool down? thanks! Edit: This wasn't clear before so ill say it now, im say healing others should have a cooldown of 5minutes, but /heal for yourself wont have a cooldown.
No its not, its being abused because its getting rid of potion effects. Titans are using it to get rid of the effects which is unfair. Put a cooldown on it.
They pay $250 yeah, but they already get extremely OP armor. anyways they get: Access to /hat Access to /me Access to /ptime Access to /feed Access to /heal Access to /repair Access to /back Access to /jump Access to /kittycannon Access to /invsee and p4 diamond armor and sh5 diamond sword
Plus its not like /heal is going away, just like a 10min to 15min cooldown, to help even the odds out.
Just ask a Titan for their kit, Not hard? God gets all of them Except for /invsee and /heal <player>. And God is less than half the Price.
zulfaq you obviously don't understand factions. Titans use pots too, and no one just "gives" you their kit. Im looking for staff to see this, not someone to argue with me.
I see where you're coming from, maybe a 5 minute cool down to heal others. 15 minutes is much too extreme.