Been seeing a lot of the old "Cyp is abusing" "He's a terrible admin" "He can just do whatever he wants" etc etc. well this thread is sort of to discourage you to keep hating him, it's your opinion of course but I hope that you keep an open mind about things while reading this. Not too long ago somebody(A co-owner) from a pretty large network resigned, he was hated for weeks before his final resignation and the only appreciation he's gotten to this day for working on the server for 3 years is 1 sentence, that's it, one pathetic, meaningless sentence for somebody who gave so much effort into doing a job they weren't even required to. I'm telling you this because Cypriot has worked with Crew on his servers for quite a long time and I don't ever see any appreciation, all I see is this crap about him abusing and that he's doing a terrible job, when really you don't know half of what goes on behind the scenes, yes, there wouldn't be a server without Noob, but this server would be nothing without Cyp and I think it's time you all showed some appreciation for that. This thread is in no way trying to get on his good side or anything, I'm just frankly a bit tired of seeing it, I've seen this hate toward him since I came back in October and I feel like it's not needed, if you had any real reason why he shouldn't be an Administrator he wouldn't be. For the people saying that he can do whatever he wants, he can't, he is just as normal as the rest of us and just because being the co-owner makes him reserve the right to do things on his own terms doesn't mean you have to criticize everything done by him, he's human, if he does make a mistake you don't need to go on about it. Hopefully this has changed your mind a bit, have a good day and thank you for all the work you've done Cypriot.
Cyp and Noobcrew are working a lot on the server I for one HATE CYP SO MUCH jk jk I, for one appreciate the work they are doing and I presonally know how hard it is to make a small server. Such a big server like Mineverse took a lot of hard work and for all you haters out there here is one thing: Can you make a server as good as mineverse? As Succesful as mineverse? Yeah, no it took a lot of hard work from Cyp and Noobcrew to make mineverse the fun server you are playing on now. While we all get fat and play Mineverse Cyp and Noobcrew tire themselves to make the server better.
I appreciate Noob's and Cyp's work, even thou I never mention anything. But hey, what are you gonna do about those who 'hate' on Cypriot for 'doing what he wants' and like that. Nothing, exactly. I'm not talking down this thread, I'm just questioning as there is nothing we really can do because we are on the other side of the screen. All in all, Cypriot does a lot of work and it is appreciated by a lot of players, not as many as there should be appreciating, but there is.
It's his server, he can do whatever he wants with it as long as Crew agrees. Don't like it, don't play it.
The first paragraph is simply telling you that it's your opinion and I can't change that "but I hope that you keep an open mind about things while reading this." it's simply to show that he deserves more appreciation than he's getting, I won't "do anything about it" if he gets hate still, I just wanted to try and lessen it. I agree with you though, nothing we can do past giving it a shot.
Ummm @Clone y is dis thread up? So you can get attention. So what if people hate on @CypriotMerks His server(partly) His choices his life you cant do anything about if so what if people are hating on him he knows what he has to do to make this server better so let him do it and have some trust in it. Like for an example people are complaining about 1.8 there working on it atm and the server is gonna be better. If it wouldn't be better why do you think they would ever update it. Just trust them
I don't quite think you're understanding what this thread is about, it was saying that Cyp makes choices that are best for the server and we should appreciate him even when we don't agree with them...
y do we need this up Nincompoop so what if people disagree its part of life one that you have not yet grasped
Like I said, your opinion, I can't change that, but please leave this thread as you seem to only want to say negative things.
@M007River You realize that @Clone is older than you are, right? So I'm pretty sure he knows more about life than you do. Getting back on topic, I agree that Cyp should be getting a lot more gratitude for what he has done. Without Cyp and Noobcrew, we wouldn't even have MineVerse.