I just want to explain this about players talking about "no life". The term "nolife" is actually invalid. As a life is when a heart is beating, doesn't matter what you do. Play games, take care of children, design a building as an architect, anything, it's still a life. It might not be a life they enjoy that much, however it's still a life. I play games almost all day, every day and I still have a life. So now I'm gonna ask you a questions. What is life if you call this a "no life"?
Okay you little piece of sh*t, I haven't been on minecraft for two weeks. I'm actually doing sh*t unlike you playing with your thumbs wondering how to open a .exe file. Your status in society is the drool that comes out of the left corner of your mouth when you see a burger, you fat oath.
I understand inactivity. I don't understand you thinking it's ok to disrespect the users of this community. :/ You as mod should take the high road. Instead you chose to insult and belittle.
Agent, as a moderator you need to set a good example. Disrespecting a player just because they disrespected you is not setting a good example. You could have handled that situation much better than you did.
Ok Android You got to stop being a instagotor dont argue against somthing thats already going to happen u will get demoted and probs Firstly ducky is smarter than you in it LMAO and geuss what hes probs younger than you lol
Thank you guys for stating your opinions. This thread has turned into an all out hate ware against a few parties involved. we understand that he is inactive at points and we know there is a staff report pending review by the admin. In the end this is the admins choice and you need to respect that. If the admin feels he is not doing a proper job then he will demote him. Until then, no need to harass and insult. As for you agent, you need to be setting an example and not lashing out on the players. We will discuss this further in private. I will be locking this thread to keep anymore harassment from happening but it will be brought up with the admin when they get more time on their hands and arent busy fixing the server. This should be a friendly place for players to play a game everyone, stop the constant hate on everyone.