How old are you? I am currently 17 since January 3rd :p Ingame-name? My in game name is WinturrOmg_ What country do you live in? I live in United States of America. What languages do you speak? I speak english| German (partly) and I am taking A French class for my elective :D Why do you think you should become mod? Intro•_•_•_• Okay so first of all I think I should become a mod so I can help what's left of this corrupted server as if mods don't cover the job their self. I think this server is going down and the owners don't deserve that, they built us this server for us to play, why can't we repay them by keeping it intact? 1.) active: To be honest, I think I am pretty much active a the time. Which is great. I can improve some hours of activity on Minverse. 2.) maturity: I think I am somewhat mature, I know I can get over carried sometimes and get a little bit immature, but! I can fix that!! 3.) honesty: Okay so some of you know I can keep a secret, but when I get asked something, I will straight up say it. I don't know why I do but I do. 4.) Respectful: Okay so to be honest, I can be untruthful sometimes but I am working on improving it with excercises, but most of the time, when people need something done, I am the person to call. I believe in respecting others is the key to life and I hope to fulfill that hope ;) 5.) responsibility: Sometimes I can be irresponsible but most of the time mature with this subject. I try my best to treat everyone with respect but with some people it's just too hard with those people that know oh they are. 6.) forums: I am very dedicated to the forums and I hope to be more active on it. 4.) we'll it really depends on school days. I can try to get on around 4:30-8:57 on weekdays and on weekends around 8-30am - 9-00 5.) how long? I've been on mineverse for about 6 months now :eek: this used to be my sisters account until she bought premium and gave it to me. 6.) yas I have been banned, I regret every ban though :( 7.) yes I do actually have passed experience :p I am head-mod on a friends server but I think it got shut down :( 8.) I would like to moderate on OpPVP and Kitpvp :D Okay so this is the end of my app. As you can tell by the title, it is My last try to become mod. CypriotMerks note: good job bud. Doing your best to keep the server intact and I can't blame you for getting mad at the good mods that resign, I got sad when Christi resigned so your not alone ;) Noobcrews note: your probably one of the most coolest server owners I know, and as I said to Cyp. Keep it up. Your the best at what you do, don't believe me? Look at how many people play your server everyday. I love mineverse and I am willing to spend 99.9% of my life on it. When I say life I mean mineverse. Good luck pal on your server
A couple of spelling and grammar mistakes, not to noticeable. Also, in your numbered list, it reads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8?
Hello there Winter. I saw your application so I'm going to give you some feedback what you could Improve to get my support. Lets start. - [Active] I recommend you to become a bit more active on forum. I haven't seen you that much. I was looking at your profile and most of your post are on this application, and some are off topic. - There is some few spelling and grammar mistakes you may want to fix. - Space out the questions a bit more, it will make it easier for us to read your application. - Was that a tag on the Owners?
No support. - Immature - Lies - Barely Online - Barely any information - I suggest looking at other mod apps as a example.