my ign is : boxjeremy ill like a upgread as rank rise as I will give you all my money in game and my other account igm plz upgread my then PM me on site and ill give you all my money plus prot 4 armour on KitPvp you up gread me and I don't give you items ill ask to be banned not now but if I do scam plz comment if you do
Ok, first I think you need to improve your grammar. Second, how much money exactly do you have on those accounts? You need to explain in detail what you are willing to give in order for people to actually consider a upgrade. Thirdly, exactly what rank are you? You also need to explain this so people can get an idea about how much the upgrade costs.
any rank ill give you all money I HAVE 55 bil on opprison I HAVE LOT OF MONEY I have two account so a lot of money