Dude. Remove the "s" on "moderators". Sometimes some of the mods can be a bit immature, but not all, and only at some instances.
Can everyone just stay on the topic of rating the staff and stop picking and continuing fights? Cmon guys, pull yourselves together and just make this thread look nice. If not, this thread should be closed.
i can't really rate many of the staff members since i haven't talked to them, from what i have read they're not all that good. although i shouldn't trust all of that... The only rating i have is of HeyItsAlexa from when i got trapped in a netherportaltrap on skyblock, i went through all the servers but she was the only one who was online, even though she wasn't a skyblock mod(Is anyone?) i figured she could help, maybe tell the people who were trapping other players the consequences or maybe get some help. but no.... she refused to help. And i think that's a great example of Bad moderating.
No staff have helped me so far, I have played for 3 ish months activly now, finding Cyp and asking him for help is a lot easier lol
You are a mod. You are supposed to represent the server. And, this whole thread is made for the opinions of the staff. I'm pretty sure you can find some insults without picking fights.
i'm not picking fights, i'm a mod, but i'm trying to see what he will do if i keep going, because he should know better to not call people rude name's .
Mineverse player's logic: *only find the negative in each and every moderator, hoping their harsh criticism will improve their activity* that's not right. negative criticism and constructive criticism are two different things. @Ares_Xena ; using you as an example if I may. "KatoKillsMyGPA - Nope." "rachetclanks -Nope." "Yin - Eh... Nope." "PandaBear__ - Nope." That's not a review. That's simply disliking a moderator so much that the concept of even giving them the SLIGHTEST of review or criticism is not worthy enough for you. "Agent Android - Terrible Moderator. You're never online, heck nobody knew you were a Survival Moderator until you actually showed up for the first time in what? 2 Months? You're abusive over your powers which I've seen in videos that @Conor Walton took of you. Also, were you really about to ban someone without evidence? .. You don't pay attention to the chat either. I've seen people spam the chat/swearing when you did nothing. Your excuse was ''I didn't see it''.... Scroll up? HELLO! Wake up dude. (I have evidence of this if you don't believe me)" This is verbal abuse, not constructive criticism. You need to rephrase this to "you should check out the chat more often, I've (enter example here) and you didn't do anything." Something along those lines. (everything else, I agree with though) "FadedChristi - When you're online I usualy see you viewing Portal Index. You handle reports which I like, but if you could do this daily, that'd be wonderful." THIS is constructive criticism. Giving them positive feedback, yet giving them advice to improve on things they need to. Let's see what else! From @Conor Walton ; "@Badlerner- Demote please." No reason whatsoever. Nice "review". "@Furyion- You haven't been online for the past 5 months buddy, I think you should be demoted until you return and let another player who is active take your place. Thanks for serving our country." Ah, the old "take your place" reasoning. I think Cypriot has mentioned many times that no one is holding any place for moderator. He continues to add to the list, not replace. "@larrythebird101- I saw you yesterday and then you logged off 5 minutes later when players needed your help." This is something of constructive criticism, except you needed to expand on what she needs to do to improve. "@@larrythebird101- I saw you yesterday and then you logged off 5 minutes later when players needed your help. *You should stay on longer just in case players need something*. kk bye