Recently I was scammed by Eongod who at first I thought was a nice person who was being generous and helping a guy like me out. But once he scammed me I was frustrated and confused. A guy who I put my happyness, hopes and dreams in (and a lot of my hard earned money) just pushed me to the ground and kicked dirt in my face. Now I'm sad and I don't even know if I want to stay in Mineverse anymore, when there are lots of people who only look like for them selves and do whatever they can to make themselves the best, no matter how it makes other people feel. If that's what it takes to be good around here I don't want to be a part of that. People's feelings are more important than virtual money. Like I can stand all the lagg and the hackers, but I just can't stand the people who only look out fr themselves and their self-delusion. I really hope there are still some nice people out there that look out for the people like me, and the people who just want to make friends and play minecraft!! ,Scorpio Venom Out
It's so sad to see you leave. I knew you as a friend in game, but I didn't see you as much as I hoped to, probably because of timezones. I know what it feels like to be scammed, but I have seen your thread, and I know you lost a lot. Don't leave forever :eek:. Maybe just take a break, punch a fake Eongod, and come back. Hopefully, you will recover and don't worry, I'm here to support your choices.
Don't worry I was rich on Factions before I started Infection but then I got scammed and tryed out Infection which is win-win since you can't get scammed on Infection. But don't leave when you get scammed just start a new gamemode.
I don't understand how Eongod isn't perma banned. He's been banned so many times for a wide variety of things such as ddos threats, scamming and I'm pretty sure hacking. @FadedChristi you didn't research about him before you unbanned, did you? -.-
It's daddy and the three hoes bullies. Seriously what were you thinking? ''Let's all target this person and downgrade him, that'll make things perfect!'' . So what if he's a scammer? It's an online game, get over it! @Matrix How is Eongod a ''Fgt'' by scamming on an online game. @sam! So apparantly people can ''disgust'' you by scamming on a server? .. It's a game.. @DanGaEb How is he a ''horrible person'' ? It's a game for christ sakes. There is a risk you'll be scammed and he took it. This doesn't define him as a horrible person. Matrix, you actually disapointed me the most. You were a friendly person at first. Random, but friendly. You've completely changed my mind about you. Don't even start on my grammar, or rate this ''bad spelling'' . I know my grammar isn't top notch. I'm trying to fix it.