everyone not in that fac has a disadvantage they get -30% damage and support we should get rid of claims at spawn
This. I know numerous caves that have have no exits and at have been claimed by @_MEGA_COOKIE_. This causes people if they are enemies to them, unable to use basic commands to leave the area.
We need mods to tag him, if members tag It doesn't show up for him. @Yin @ScoFu13 @HeyitsAlexa @PrincessPayne @tin15cro @canucksfan44 @Firo3000 @Taylor @FadedChristi @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew :D
It falls under the "Common Sense" rule. It's spawn. It's s public place for everyone not your faction.
I didn't even know it was possible to claim over spawn :P.This would be extremely annoying in the PvP area, support.
ScoFu13 your right because they can probarly take items from spawn if they claim the shop and probarly maybe posibility build there :/