i was just wondering that if i was to purchase a rank higher than the rank i upgrade to such as MVP to Elite if i bought supreme or higher would the cost from MVP be taken away?
If MVP cost $35 (I think) and elite costs $50 (I think) and you already bought MVP then elite would cost $15 but you cant just select "buy elite" you have to do /buy then click "rank upgrades" or something like that then you find the upgrade you want.
Yes, In Game type /Buy and go to upgrades and you will be able to do MVP upgrade to Elite that will then cost $15.00 USD This will automatically upgrade you and you iwll have be placed as Elite.. after the payment was sent.
What would happen if i was to upgrade to supreme instead of eltie is what im trying to ask? like would it take the price of MVP away? or do i have to upgrade one by one