Well, this was from awhile ago and I got banned for 'Killaura/Anti-Knockback' I'm unbanned but I knew I wasn't hacking.
Wtf? This isn't hacking.. you missed multiple times and he can hit you back. They banned you for nothing lol.
Wtf? I swear, that ain't hacks. Mods these days... so foolish... banning you for "hacks" when you literally got hit like 20 times
This is funny.. Hacks? LOL this dude needs to look up killaura and anti kb and learn what they look like before trying to report somebody just to make sure.
There was knockback. I don't know about Kill aura, but I don't know what hacks do what :P Whoever banned should probably of checked other cases?
The moderator was a former moderator named @Chloyybear4ever.... @ScoFu13 does this count on my history of hacking ;-;