Hello staff my minecraft crash if im on opprison Ign:mili20 I would ask to tp me to spawn @ScoFu13 @Yin @HeyitsAlexa @Taylor @Lola Perez @PrincessPayne
Talk to a global mod. Since there isn't any mod that only moderates OPPrison, the global mods has the ability to tp you to spawn. You tagged three moderators that is not a moderator on OPPrison, just saying.
OPPrison staff don't have the ability to Teleport people anywhere, or Teleport to them. Does this happen only on OPPrison?
Try using the teleport back to spawn option at http://shop.mineverse.com/category/105731, added op prison to it.
It's just an issue with your connection to the server. I've had this before, and for some reason the server likes to give you a bad packet id, or an internal exception. The only real solution I've found is to go to a place with little to zero entities to log out and log back in. Also, going between worlds would make you crash, so going between plots and mines makes you crash. But I've searched long and hard, with no solution. There doesn't seem to be a way to fix it.