So hello! Lately a lot of people have been going on infection, half of them being RCT - LCpl. They all didn't really know what to do, so I am going to make a guide to infection. Hope you like it and tell me if this helped! :3 Playing Infection: Step 1: Find a good spot Finding a good spot is essential to Infection survival. Either find a spot for easy roflstomps (5 kill streak as human giving you special items) or find a total camping spot, not good for rofls. With a good spot, you have more fun then running around like a chicken without a head. Step 2: Know your inventory Make sure you set up your inventory. Having a bunch of armor doesn't help you, so try to get a setup that makes you comfortable. I find it (Being a GySgt) I put all my spare armor in the inventory (not the hot bar). I put my diamond axe in slot 1, then bow in 2, then Steak, then Arrows. I leave the rest of the hot bar open for roflstomp items. Step 3: Don't panic. If a zombie hits you off (lets say the iron fence in the map Nuketown) then don't panic. Just stay calm, and find another spot. If you get hit into oblivion, you are dead as oblivion kills you when you fall into it. Just don't panic. Step 4: Know how to PvP Well, this is a little obvious. Learn to pvp. When at a long distance, try to hit them with a bow instead of running at them. Once your in close combat using swords + axes, keep moving around them while hitting them. Also, with swords, block-hitting is very helpful (right and left clicking with mouse default controls) Making Maps for infection: Step 1: Original ideas Make sure your idea is original. If you make something like a map thats already implemented, it won't be accepted. Here are a few ideas that are original, and are not the hardest to build: Spaceship Biome Split Skyvillage Ballons (with clouds to parkour) Step 2: Good design For the people who are serious about building, I find that sketching out what you want it to look like is a good idea. Or, you can get a mental picture and go from there. With a good design, you will have a good map. Step 3: Build. Here's the fun part: Building the map. I will give you a couple tips just so your map isn't horrible: Add little details. Make sure that know part is left like flat dirt. Make use of the space you have. Have good balance for infection maps. You want 1-2 op spots, 1-2 roflstomp places. And make sure you have good parkour for the spots. Judging Maps: Step 1: Exterior The exterior of the map is important. Make sure it fits the theme, and the name. Step 2: Interior The interior of the map is also important. As well as design, it has to have spots to hide in. Step 3: Overall Making sure the map is balanced is key to judging a map. Analyze it closely, and make little mental notes of what they could have done better in. Well, that concludes my guide to infection! Hope you enjoyed!
Nice of you to take the time to write this, I'm sure lots of New players to infection would find this useful.