Cool desert 2 is fun can I suggest removing the stone slabs on hijacked people block glitch up there and it's immpossible to get there if your a zombie. Also I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look at my map submission if you didn't already:
Even though I don't play Infection at all, lot's of gratitude for all your work with this Cyp. Thank you
Thanks @CypriotMerks Since the update infection has been a HUGE Hit ! We had like nearly 90 people on at one point
Good job on those affiliated with the creation of the maps, you did a very good job, and the new maps are a very good edition. ;)
The helicopter on city is a bit op, usually the people there are last. At least make the parkour to getting to copter more difficult, and also continue the other parkour route to the roof of the yellow building beside spawn