KitPvP Is all I played. It used to be The Team that was too cool for names (Members will be listed below) But it broke. Now I would say MCNERD The Team that is too cool for names: Me (Quit MC) 8four4 (Quit MC plays smite with me now. For the past 3 weeks someone has been playing on his account. He took it back now) Gizzbots (Doesn't like teams, He likes allies. Nuff said? No? Ok... the team kinda went to **** after me and 8four4 quit and people fought) Fuzzybear (I have no idea) cutting4 (No idea) moey_the_king (Well... he hates me and 8four4's guts now. MinkyChinky (Had a fight with Gizzbots.) vJigglez (Hates my guts) nomblydoom (No clue) RACHETGrapes (No bloody idea) XxBlazenxX (Once again no bloody idea) Some others I must have forgotten. The team broke as you can see. So sad... xD At least I maintained friendship with 8four4 and Gizz.
@Ordinateur7 @UnKnoWn69000 @3yerrt @Nightfire88539 @NoobCupCake @Elitegamer or xxElite These are my opinions on the most op in infection
on infection (pretty much the only server I play) it would be nightfire88539, captainpigfan, and Mookiezzx (and theres a bunch more really good players that I missed)
1 Skilll is BANED 2 i can kill chu pretty EzPz and Klutzy scks MASSIIVVEEE D Talks Shrimp cant back up his shrimp doe
Infection: Me Kitpvp: Me Skygrid: Me skyblock: Me Opprison: Me Survival: Me Skywars: Me Oppvp: Me Creative: Me BvZ: Me Prison: Me Factions: Me OpFactions: Me (I dont even play half these gamemodes but im just so boss)