I would like to quickly point out that not all the servers under Mineverse has been saved from the recent lag issues. Parkour (the one that literally has no benefit to the server other than to bring people in to try other modes) still suffers from constant crashes. Since Noobcrew was kind enough to point out what changes he has made and even asked for more feedback in the quote below, well here you go. The following video is what the parkour community goes through on a daily basis, and most times even more than once per day. (You don't get any non-copyrighted music sorry) The issue mainly occurs either when too many people are present for the server to handle; or it occurs randomly. I know Parkour is not a money maker for the server, nor is it high on your priorities to manage, but if you're going to fix one server please fix them all.
I can assure you it is not an issue on my end. When all players lose their rank in chat the server shuts down, thus removing all said players. Progress is not saved and then it reboots. On certain occasions this even causes hostile mobs the ability to spawn for a short period if it occurs at night.
oh ok I didn't realise it was that severe, I i havent really experienced any of this. Not exactly sure what to suggest tbh