@Marloodog please stop **DO NOT CUSS ON FORUMS** following me on my threads and everytime i post on somthing you jump in? and open broadcasters it recommended for streaming its not meant for recording we have fraps etc here we dont need those bad recording softwares.
@Badlerner can you please ban this user. He has been swearing to me disrespecting me and lots more Thanks ~Marloo
As a few people have said earlier in the post, I have had great luck with Camtasia. While the real version costs a rather hefty amount of money, the trial version is quite good. While the trial version only lasts 30-days, you can extend this duration in a number of ways however. The trial is tied to a few entries in your registry, or can be faked by changing your system time to a time period where the trial was still active. I recently had to do this when making some training videos for my Fiance's office, and had to roll back my system time a month. There are some issues with rolling back system time you should be aware of though. Unfortunately browsers get a bit upset at this and as such, things like google chrome will give you an error. This is easily remedied though as once you change your time back, you will be able to resume use of it. So while not ideal, Camtasia can be a nice free option to both record and edit videos in one package.
@Marloodog it isnt a flame war. 1. your stalking me i would like you to stop posting on every thread i look at your going on to my profile and click on my lastest threads/
1. I actually am not i am going to the spot in the picture i provided. 2. You are going to be banned for swearing on forums. 3. I am last of all trying to help others out and my opinion on post. As in this post my best Recording software i like is Open broadcaster you might not like it but i do i am just letting them know it's good in my opinion Stop making flame wars that i make for example the last on and this one you keep making up some lie that's not even funny.
is there a block thing? like facebook. because all this person does is harris me and threatin to ddos me and d0x my infomation?? anyone is there a block??
Yes, good for you i would like not to see you on the forums no more. 1. You all ways start flame wars. I do not get it your always in a skype call saying "Mineverse Sucks" all this stuff and your leaving so why are you on the forums i do not get it.. You put skype into the forums like wtf? i do not get it Skype is skype just its there no need to you "Lying" start with skype too Goodluck @HeyitsAlexa can you already ban this user for the past post he has said to me images provided.
@Marloodog well if it was outside of fourms and moderators could do somthing about skype im sure you will be perm banned right now. the threats you have gave my family to the point of saying if you dont say sorry to me im gonna dox your hole family and ddos everytime on mineverse. even managed to steal photos hacked @XGizzbots computer aswell as a guy called bossrich and stole my girlfriends selfies.
@Marloodog and you say you dont hack?? that explains of why your hacking into someones computer that has a dad which is a x army person. and trust me if you doxed me i would have the cops straight on yah my pop is a vietnam war vertan.
Gentleman, Can you all please take this to a conversation and not this thread? It is off-topic and of no benefit to the community. @HeyitsAlexa - If you happen to get a moment (sorry just see you are online) could you please clean up this thread a touch? Hate to see it get derailed. Cheers, Melgrath
@bluediamond89 Stop, complaining... 1. Those photos were shared in a Group Call.. So i got them. 2. I do not ddos you just complaining about your internet speed or something. 3. Accusing if i hack i do not hack. 4. I am sick of you making flame wars in others threads i am sure they are too. 5. I do not know how to ddos. 6. I can see the Ban Picture on your profile. so goodluck on posting more hate messages to me. 7. i am not the one who makes the skype threats so much it's really you. who does all the wanna get DOXED M8 and stuff. 8. Stop complaining about the stuff that you exactly do your a stuck up,
Yes, if i was you i would ask the same thing. Good on you. i am sick of bluediamond89 you know with all the flame wars. As i keep saying in the messages. He does not seem to stop but yeah.. Sorry, for the inconvenience
Lol? Read above the post buddy. He was telling me to buy some $30 crap. Smh. I'd happily give anyone who wants it over Skype.
I use fraps and it is really good. I have the cracked version and you can record for unlimeted amount of time. I suggest Fraps because if you run 60 fps when you record you only drop 10 fps. If you would like to see how i record with fraps here is my channel https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialTylerPlays
I don't really need to purchase a pricy recording device, so I just go with Open Broadcast System, or OBS, and it works fine for me. However you may need to install a third-party flv - converter.