H'mm 1, Your just angry as i asked people for some money... 2, Your Angry as i ran away from you in Kit PvP 3, Because you hate me. so thanks for your support <3
Why would I be angry that you asked people for money? I just simply said I thought it was sad you ask people for money im not mad and I don't care that you ran why would I hate you? No hate I was gonna support till I saw some other things 1. You hacking 2. Down grading people As you said that's your past but as someone said (forgot who) you where banned for hacking in September and currently banned on op Pvp so yea no support
This... 11 year old http://gyazo.com/8d0ed22df1e79fb6309cc5f8c4776471... Thinks HE can DDOS ME. Uhmmm no... Not with my 5 (dedicated) VPN's and your crappy little skype resolver, Not a chance. Anyway. STRONG no support. Very rude and thinks that everyone's family doesn't bring their kids up right unless we are like him. Anyway... DEEP STRONG No Support.
Dude. If you really would commit suicide over him judging your mod app (not even being mean to you) you need to get off the computer and get some serious help. Also he wouldn't go to jail for what he just said xD. Anyway. I also find it funny that you just admitted you can't DDOS. So... You just admitted I am correct. Thanks!
Lol.... http://gyazo.com/64b65f22d6138f6881a8218470fe863d You just got banned for hacking. Also you have repetitively hacked before so... Nuff said.
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