I bought IGN:"gamingparadox" a rank and he quit mineverse literally a day after I bought it, I was wondering if I could have my money back! Thanks, Nick
So have him reverted back to no rank (I bought him sponsor) and get my money back it's as if nothing happend
Please use [email protected] if you're having troubles with donations or didn't receive rank. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send an email to [email protected] Please use this template when using this section for help with lost ranks or donation issues: My exact in game name is: My purchased rank is/was: My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information: :t:
Why would you? its not mineverse fault you bought him the rank? You bought then rank so its your fault.
Yeah... you can't really ask for a refund, because then it will become considered as chargeback, and you can and maybe will become banned for it, so I advise you to not do that.
Buycraft doesn't accept refunds. They make expetions, but you risk a permenate ban from BuyCraft most of the time D:
You could get a refund, but you would need transaction id, and a proof that the person actually quitted. And why did you get them the rank?