Just thought i would be cool to show everyone a birds eye view of spawn on OPFACTIONS. And no i didn't hack to get up high to take the screenie.
That's freecam I'm pretty sure. The chunks aren't loading further than the castle. If it was really u up there it would have probably loaded a little bit further. That or you got a huge lag spike and just used the fly hack :P
Correction i'm in f1 mode and there is some dirt about 230 blocks high and i took a screenie from up there. I did /jump to get up there. I play with my render distanse to 8 chunks. No hacking involved.:p
There's no dirt block that high above spawn - I just looked up and tried to /jump about 20 times.. That's for sure free-cam.. I'm not much for hackusations , but that's pretty obvious. :pomp:
When I get online I'll prove it is there, and do you really think I am that stupid to post a screen shot of myself hacking on to the forums?
I would ban but I don't have perms there :P I don't know how someone could be silly enough to report themselves xD
Pandabear this isn't hacking ask mr_ b3n mathieboy bilzanbadmanor charlierobe1. They have been up there with me. And like I said when I get back from school I'll tp you there is you want. There is a 3by3 dirt platform a little bit further up 2 block dirt blocks and a redstone block.