I wanted to make this thread, to wish Panah a happy birthday. Also celebrating our one year friendship. Dear Pandah, You’ve gotten me through so much over the past year and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Your crazy freak outs over everything, never failed to make me smile. I always have enjoyed your stories, especially the ones when you are on the toilet. I feel awful because we haven’t talked in a while because of school and stress and everyday life stuff but I know that whenever I need you you’ll be there for me, and I hope you know that I’m always here for you. You’re crazy, and hilarious, and amazing, and absolutely beautiful. And I’m lucky to be able to call you my best friend. I hope you have an amazing day because you really do deserve it This is a video I made, our crazy memories, and photos you send me. http://magis.to/cDcqRl1HGEEnLCAEDmEwCX19
Happy Birthday Panda c: Hope you're having a great day. It'd be nice to get to know you a little more, but I do know you're a pretty cool chick ;)