Explain. i had a message all ready and fire up for her. *ahem* Hello. It has been a long time. i hope you enjoy the snow you may be getting and if you do i hope you do not live on the edge of an intersection. Have fun and don't travel. [Image, North Carolina snowing in 2013] -Me *ends message* It's sad, because everyone left too! all there are now is wither people i don't like, people i barley know or people i've never met! Why can't I taunt like this anymore! Oh mans, Hipster was the Semi-Greatish. She even know my partial address. some of it. Never got it down i hope. Well, No suprise pizzas so far! Oh,and kubasliz. Is he still here? He knows what my Google+ account is even though i never associated it with Mineverse at all! Fun times! At leas't I'm not that guy that lives in Australia that @Daddy sent a pizza to over skype. He knows your exact address! Come on [Australian user here]! You know better than that! Fun Times! Anyways, It's 4:30 in the morning, I'm doing an online Math Exam for the entire 2nd quarter and my dad wakes up tp leave for work in 30 mins and i never slept so far. He must be real proud. This has turned from a question into a montage of IRL/User associations I'll stop now before it gets really Fu-
All the members turned rude and mean when I came back on Mineverse what exactly DID happened? And also Ddosers have been on the rise lately.
Hipsterchick was banned because she was an awful person. Not to mention for making a status saying "F*** Cyp F*** Scofu and F*** Mineverse". Her and pops then made alts and began to harass KitKat for Hypocritical reasons. She only did these kind of things because she is angry that she was demoted. Although getting angry at some one else when it was her fault seems silly. I think it's amazing she is gone now. (Hopefully)
Just yesterday there was a fire similar to that. One car stoped because it was going to fast, then a truck hit it. There was a chain reaction with more cars & trucks. One of the trucks caught on fire and then it spread. I saw it on TV but I'm not sure where it happened.
If you knew Hipster better, you would of understand. She persisted to be disrespectful, all occurred after her demotion. As Chloyy said, Pops and her made alts to continually harass players.
Glad theyre gone. I hate seeing things ruined by two selfish kids. Being a future mother it disgusts me.
On the rise? I am constantly getting ddosed the only time i get to come on forums or in game is for about 3 hours top!