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  • The New Charlie [Please Read]

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by CharlieTOME, Jan 13, 2015.

    1. CharlieTOME

      CharlieTOME Active Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      Hello there,
      As some of you may know, "The Old Charlie" has given his account to me. This introduction will explain about who I am, what happened and what I am going to be doing. Hope you enjoy :D

      Who Is Me?!

      Well me is obviously I, who is Charlie. Yes, that's right my real name is Charlie. Unlike Brad ( Old Charlie ), which the Minecraft account is named Charlie because... ( We'll get onto that further on ). I'm currently a 24 year old man which lives in Australia, Victoria. You probably didn't know this ( well I hope you don't, no one else knows.... ), I'm Brad's Uncle. I live further up of Victoria and we rarely see each other. Oh, and just to say, I'm not fully English :P

      Why do I have his account now?!

      Okay, I know everyone loves stories, so here's one :)

      Once upon a time, in a far away count-

      Wait what!? Wrong book sorry!
      Okay, here we go!

      Brad loved Minecraft. He used to always play it. It was like the only hobby he did. He loved it so much he would donate to many servers, want to be staff, and even host his own server! ( No other information is being given, so I hope this is not against the rules of this server ). But as he kept playing, it apparently got boring. I guess it was because he was getting older and couldn't find any new features to play. On the other hand, I loved it. I couldn't resist playing it, although I'm not on it 24/7. I find all the features of the game exciting, and can't NOT play it. He knew this as well, and we kind of played together. By kind of, I mean; I had a cracked account ( yes, I'm ashamed of it, don't worry... ), but then as he started to get bored of it, he started to advertise selling it. It first started around $5. But the name was too long for most people, and the rest wanted it for free, he said. When he nearly gave up on selling it, and just never playing it again, I asked him one day if he uses his Minecraft account anymore. He was so happy to find someone, and because I'm his Uncle, he gave it to me for free. ( Although I secretly paid him around $50 ;) ) So now it's mine and I love it! :P

      Why is the name Charlie20132001?

      Brad had this amazing Great Grandfather that was just... Well, amazing. He would do everything that other "normal" Great Grandfathers wouldn't do. So, one day, Brad found out about the account and begged his Great Grandfather to buy it for him. Eventually he gave in and bought it for him. Brad was so excited, he was nearly jumping off walls. That very day, the Minecraft account, Charlie20132001 was born.

      Charlie- For his Grandfathers name.
      2013- For the year they created the account
      2001- For the year Brad was born.

      Brad used that name for everything, just because it was the most easiest name to remember for him.

      Why did he really give it away?

      The truth about this is kind of sad, but I'll say it anyway.
      As you may know, a Great Grandfather would normally be very old at this century on average, and that was truth about Charlie. He was reallllyyyy old. ( I'm not saying how old :P ) Unfortunately for him and all of us ( his family ), he had a few health problems. He was due to die before the Minecraft account even existed. Brad on the otherhand, didn't know this, so he acted like nothing was wrong. Brad's parents thought it was right if they didn't tell him. ( Stupid idea, no offence to Dave and Rose ), they just should of told him. It would of taken away some of the pain. Around 2 years and 6 months after the Minecraft account was created, Charlie had to go to hospital because of a heart attack and died further that night. Brad was devastated, he wouldn't stop crying. But he had a right to not stop, his ( probably ) favourite family member had just gone on him and his parents only said it was because of old age. Brad, after a fairly long time started to get back into his normal routine. Minecraft, Sleep, School etc. Although, every time he played one of his games he would basically cry over the memories of him and Charlie. Surprisngly, he survived a long time. But as time went along, and more memories poured in, the poor kid couldn't handle it. He knew he had to get rid of it, before he did something to himself or someone else. Later on, he advertised the account and you know the rest.
      I really do feel sorry for Brad.. He's gone through a lot..

      R.I.P Charlie John Bryant Forever In Our Hearts And Lives.

      What will I be doing here?

      Here on Mineverse, I will mostly playing the many gamemodes it includes, and try to help the community as much as possible. I will record rule breakers, help new players out and even other players. Just remember, I'm here for everyone :)
      Make sure to say hi to me in-game so we can become super duper friends :3

      And can someone teach me this new language on Mineverse ?

      I think this is the time where I end this and say thank-you for reading and I hope to see you in-game. But I want to say one more thing.

      My son, Tom will do some recording on Minecraft with the account Charlie20132001, so if I do not reply or you see some videos of the account, it's either him recording or me recording. But I'll try my best to reply and talk to everyone :)

      Now, it's finally time to say goodbye! :D

      Thank-you so much for reading everyone, and I hope that you all found this post as enjoyable reading, as I did typing.

      Have a great time everyone, and I hope to see you all on the server!

      Charlie ( The Second )

      [Insert Awesome Face Here]
    2. Mrdonutking1

      Mrdonutking1 Experienced Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      Hello :)
      Welcome to the Forums!

      What do you mean by "And can someone teach me this new language on Mineverse ?"
    3. CharlieTOME

      CharlieTOME Active Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      Thanks, I'm just having a new look around the website.
      Well,. in-game, I've noticed that a lot of people use words like chu and liek. I want to understand :P
      Yes, I know chu means you and liek means like. Just confused to why they use it. Is it the new awesome fashion I've missed out on?
    4. Mrdonutking1

      Mrdonutking1 Experienced Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      I think people are just using some sort of stupid slang. lol. I don't use that type of slang to be honest; I like to keep it proper :)
    5. CharlieTOME

      CharlieTOME Active Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      Haha, okay, thanks :)

      I'm off for the night. It's around 11:53pm and I have work due by 9am tomorrow morning.. Gonna be a long and stressful night.
      Catchya all :)
    6. Blocky

      Blocky Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      Welcome :)
    7. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      I'm sorry about your dad and with your nephew. But welcome to Mineverse.
    8. Fuse

      Fuse Experienced Member

      Jun 10, 2014
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      Have a good and enjoyable time here. :)
    9. CharlieTOME

      CharlieTOME Active Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      Thank-you all. :)
    10. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Hello there, welcome to the forums.
    11. ColeDudeGochko

      ColeDudeGochko Experienced Member

      Aug 28, 2014
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      Welcome to Mineverse!

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