Hey guys its letspwn777 and occasionally i am on kitpvp. Mineverse has been filled with hackers lately and unfortunately mods aren't helping. I am on for 6-10 hours a day and about half the server that is online, is hackers and Of course mods aren't on. There should be more mods or mods to be more active because a lot of people have quit because of this reason
If you see hackers, get proof and report them on the forums. The mods are doing their best but please understand that they cannot be online 24/7. We all have social lives, mods or not. ;)
They can't be on a lot they also ban the reports they get from the forums and you can help to get some screens shots or a video then report them
Omg Stop Fking Making Threads Like this it is so annoying stop trying to get credit of other peoples idea. JESUS
Sorry, I'm not a mod on kit pvp, I am active a lot in mineverse in-game and the forums, but since I'm not mod on that mini-game, I rarely join. I do join kit pvp sometimes just to try it out,but if I was mod there I would always be in it because I have to for that reason and others .
Hackers come and go. Mods can not be online 24/7 (as stated above). We all have social lives (as stated above once again). Go ahead and complain and ramble on and on about how hackers come back ever so often. Mineverse is getting popular and new people often join every day.
I don't think thats what they meant. @PandaBear__ meant that she goes out, Plays then maybe goes out again.
That is not what I'm saying at all. Mods have other in-real-life issues that are needed to be dealt with. Mineverse is not our first priority.
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