Listen here you wanna be noticed because i'm trying to make someone look bad Mother F***er. It's people like you that make the world f****ed up. So sit yo Irrelevant a** down. And get off my d*ck.
Bro don't leave. You have built a life on this server. Ignore the haters and the losers who dislike everyone. Please stay on the server.
wow... fix your attitude. ask mods to close the thread or actually leave. no need to make this thread just to insult people. i would say goodbye, but from what i read on this thread, you were no loss maybe see a counselor to help with your aggressivity.
Grow up. Everyone gets excited when they learn new swear words, but take it down a notch. I don't even see the point in coming back if you're just going to make everyone feel as ty as you do, either leave, stay, or stop begging for attention.
I said that becuase thats the reason i left. People taking me as nothing so if i dont acknowlegde it, it will keep happening and i honestly wanna come back but not if people treat me like that
You're treating others the exact same way, so either stop complaining about it or stop acting childish.