Hello all, This is work i've done in the past on my own build server. I would like opinion on what you guys want to see more in. - Dragons - Hot Airblood - flat land - etc I will check this daily to see peoples post. Thanks, -It'sYourJav
Have ya thought on what i should add in like i mention about what features does the community want to see in it?
I thought it would be cool if you have added a few hidden features throughout the map just for the fun of it. :p
What about like some little cabins throughout the map like little camps to hang out in. Anyways this looks EPIC and you have my full support.
Houses. Need to be implemented. Party House has to stay. Old Spawn has to stay(unless it turns into trading rooms) Thank you! ~Rach
Support :D. Maybe build some places where people can stay/camp. As people suggested before me, perhaps houses or cabins. JUST ANYTHING BESIDES OUR CURRENT KITPVP MAP.
Umm... It's kinda plain. But it's ok. What I suggest is build more on the map. Build houses, trap doors, secret rooms, and put stuff in the air. Example Mineverse Kitpvp with swords under it. Also, I would ask u to build the map way bigger and put stuff in the water( a better castle) than what we have right now. Also build secret places so people on kitpvp could say that it's fun to explore the map. I loves the mountain but that's the main thing on it.ill tell you more ideas if u need
Maybe a 1v1 arena? It annoys me when I finish 1v1ing someone and then some other player comes by and attacks me while im low after the 1v1 ;-; Other then that I like the preview of it, can't wait!!
Eh. I'm an "Old Timer". I have been here on KitPvP for a year and 9 months. I LOVE the map and it gives concept to the gamemode. Its the perfect compilation. Trading Rooms? Not needed. Something called Auctions. Its perfectly fine and all you new kids want more. Its fine the way it is and I disagree with any changes.
I can see an issue with this."Trading Rooms? Not needed. Something called Auctions.". So, you saying that, if i auction something and i want to give it to a friend, another person will bid on that item. Just think about it. You are then able to trade items WITHOUT people in your way.