I don't know you that well, but thanks for the amazing thingy you made me xD hope we can talk more. Just met you but you seem really cool and we should like talk moreeee~ youre an amazing mod and friend and your accent umg ;-;
tbh you're the worst person ever and i wish you'd die tbh you're amazing and i love you so much and you're mah best frand cx
Tbh I don't know you so I can't say much about you. Tbh you're an amazing friend/moderator and ily. <3
We haven't talked in awhile, but you're extremely nice and you helped me out a lot while I was guard. cx I love playing Skyblock with you, you're kewl, and a great friend. c; You were the first mod I ever met and you were a good one at that. You're an awesome person and I hope you're doing okay. c: