Hiwa Everybody! Roary Here. Have you ever wanted to meet someone from Mineverse in Real life? Well... I Think it would be cool if we held an expo for all Mineversians to go to and meet each other. Its sort of a social experiment. Some of us are extremely close, whether it's family or friends.... But really we hardly even know eachother really. There could be a Mineverse Hall Of Fame, Meet your favourite Moderators and play on some computers on the Mineverse Server if we could get enough money. So I would like to call it the Mineversial Social Experiment And we'll see how it goes. Thanks! @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @ScoFu13
This wouldn't work due to the fact that most players here are kids and I doubt their parents would take them out of town just to meet people on a game.
That's true... There could just be a smaller sort of things and where different people live they can just go to the nearest meeting point which there can be multiple.
If it was possible... Everyone would be quiet and it would be awkward like a decade of silence .______.
I would love to support this, and I would love to see this happen. But mineverse is all around the world and it would be impossible for Noob to do this as he would only really be able to stay in America.
Maybe if you want to meet-out, in a small group with CLOSE friends would be best, it would get awkward if you met up and all of you wouldn't know what to say if you're only in the same faction/team. No support. (did you think of the price to travel to other country's? ;))