Hello, I just wanted to tell you all I am making a OpPvP tournament. Time: UPDATE: It is today at 4PM mountain time! Prizes: 1st: Mysterious amount of gold on KitPvP, or 4 stacks of Gapples. 2nd: Mystery 3rd: Mystery How to enter: Ign: Can you come at this time: If you get 1st watcha want? RULES: Bring your own supply of stuff you are willing to lose. If you die, you don't get your stuff back. I WILL NOT Supply stuff as said in rule #1 Have fun and may the best win!
How to enter: I just log on Ign: Topmass22 Can you come at this time: I can come on 4:30PM Mountain time If you get 1st watcha want? the mysterious amount of gold please