Greetings, There is really not a ton of point for this post other than I found some old screenshots and wanted to share them with the community. The backstory on these, is that at one point in the past I had considered starting a skyblock server. As such, I needed a spawn world. These screenshots are all that are left these days. The design was that players spawned on the airship which was build as a tutorial for minor things like water source, multiple cobble generator designs, obsidian designs, etc. You could then obviously warp to your island or explore the rest of spawn. The spawn contained a server shop (priced such that players would always be cheaper) and trading booths below. I had also built a "Hall of Fame" using the Citizen plugin for players that achieved the 1000+ island level. Overall it was a fun experiment, but this was about 1.5 years ago and I just didn't have the time for this type of thing. So now...on to the screenshots. The whole thing: Main Entrance to the castle: Trading rooms and Server shop:
Mhmm, its a very nice texture pack. Im thinking about editing it in with my custom one. Thank you for the info, Btw really nice build