ur bad i rekt u today and u healed whilst i didnt use anything Kitpvp: Krishy,MCnerd,PVP_Forever, @samuelgamer123 and maybe hider21
bro u havent stepped up to samuel and i. we literally have a dub or 2 full of axes like 3 dubs of swords and 5 dubs of p4 unbreak 3
i'm not aloud to say who is in it but it is a party with the op people on opfactions. Think im eZ come on it one day and ill show you how eZ i am. You have only ever pvped me while you was wearing /enchanted armor GOD apples and pots while i was wearing /kit god. Don't try to be smart on a server you don't even play.
Yea btw. Dont lie. no need to lie and yea. i've reked you before I dont want to get 2v1d by you and MR_B3N again. also when I rekt u on survival you had /enchanted op stuff and you were in chicken mode
Op stuff? Protect 3 is op. Hahaha if that's what you think is op then you really need to get better. Every time you are about to fie you did /home and said you needed to repair armor and replenish your pots. Mrb3n never 2v1 you it was always 1v1 against you. Anyways come on op factions and 1v1 me. I only got starter stuff and I'll still probs rek you.
I'm confused, are you talking about the spelling mistake I made, or are you just calling me a hypocrite for not using the correct grammatical term? Even though I am a hypocrite.