I suggest you either promote more mods, or you have a serious conversation with some of these moderators, because I rarely see any mods online. Skygrid. @Yin is online a lot, and he has everything under control. Skygrid is not that crazy, so one mod on is perfectly normal. I wish some of the global moderators would hop on Skygrid, because Yin is the only one online. You're global for a reason. KitPvP. I see @PandaBear__ on quite a lot. Mornings, Afternoons, Nightime. She does a good job, with keeping the chat clean, and handling all the hackers. OpPvp: I see @canucksfan44 quite a lot on Op. @VaMeSa123 & Panda are pretty good about keeping everything under control. @Badlerner is a OPvP moderator, right? OpPrison & OPvP right? I haven't seen him on quite lately. Better talk to him about that. Skyblock. Yeah lol I never see a mod on skyblock. Like never. In the morning for most people in America. A lot of us are at school. Or still asleep. A lot of spammers are online in the morning. Survival: I see @larrythebird101 & @Taylor online sometimes. Prison. @Lola Perez & @ScoFu13 are literally the only staff that I see on there. Opprison. Taylor, Larry, and Bad have it under control. Opfactions. Lol never see a mod. @rachetclanks & @FadedChristi are on a lot. Thank god. Missed a lot of games. @quickflame is never online btw. @DjRyan is on prison, but working on his plot a lot. He never does anything to help. So many contrabands. Tin does all the work. Thor also does all the work. While Dj is off in the free world fixing his base lol. kty
One of the reason why I made a mod app for kitpvp & skyblock and because I planned to make a mod app on them
How exactly would you know where I am lol if you're banned? And I haven't worked on my plot since last week lol. IF you're mad about me not responding to your appeal, next time learn the rules (the ones you enforced) and abide by them. Quickflame does his best, I see him on a lot, and he recently broke his arm. Badlearner is doing fine... On prison tin and I usually devote 7 hours a day, we try and split it between us, like 3:30 each, and then Thor takes the euro time. Honestly. P.S. You're not allowed to evade on alts anna.
I share this alt tyvm. Trissy uses it also. Oh how do I know? 1. I hear complaints 2. When I wasn't banned, lmfao you did nothing.
You want a mod in every game mode 24/7. Not going to happen. Impossible. Also, you forget we do things like reports and things you do not see anymore. Things you never did. http://gyazo.com/9d4b402b763d776189a4dd15b1ce4234 http://gyazo.com/eb5b772cdc2984125faa7012d7e31dd6 Get off your hypocritical soap box and stop being rude to everyone. Move on.
This is so fking disrespectful your insulting Djryan to the Max point why dont you try to be a mod and see all the hard work. Quickflame is on Often your just never see. your never on kitpvp or oppvp and everytime im on there a mod is on Always. 3Yet Bardlern and everytime i got on prison Dj is on Stop being disrespectful and go get a life
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