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  • AwesomeMaker11's Mod application <3

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by iDash, Jan 6, 2015.

    1. iDash

      iDash Active Member

      Jan 6, 2015
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      Ok first I am going to tell you a little about my self I am 12 years old and I am going to become 13 in February. I love playing soccer and softball. I am nice but I give punishments quickly. I love listing to music and making art. I love playing on your server I especially play Skygrid and SkyBlock. But unfortunately I don't know any of the owners or any of the co owners if you know who the are put there name in the comments and email. Ok enough about me lets get on to the questions.

      Q:What is your in game name? A:AwesomeMaker11
      Q:What timezome are you in? A:South eastern time.
      Q:What country do you live in? A: The United States of America.
      Q:What languages to you speak? A:My main language is English And I speak a little Spanish.
      This question might be a little long.
      Q:Why do you think you should become a mod? A: I think I should become a mod because then If people are spamming I will give them two chances then I will ban them for 10minutes. If people are Advertising I will ban them for 1 day.
      Q:How long can you be active on the server everyday? A:I usually for the weekends I play for about 5-6 hours a day and on the weekdays I play for about 3-5hours a day.
      Q:How long have you been playing on Mineverse? A:I have been playing for about one year.
      Q:Have you ever been banned in the past? A:I have never been banned in the passed.
      Q::DDo you have any past experiences as a moderator? A:I have no experiences with a mod but on another server I was a helper but soon the server got canceled because it didn't get enough donations.
      Q:Which two servers would you like to moderate? A:I would like to moderate Skygrid and Skyblock.

      Thank you for your time for reading my application and in the comments tell me ideas of how to make my mod application better.
    2. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      I wanted to provide some feedback on your application.

      I would definitely encourage expanding on the various sections, specifically the "Why do you think you should be a moderator?" and the "Which servers would you like to be a moderator on?"

      In the above two sections, it may be beneficial to cover some traits or life experiences that would help prove to the community that you are ready and able to fulfill this position. Unfortunately the current application process can rely heavily on players who may never have interacted with you, so you need to do your best to convince them with a professional and thoughtful application. I would encourage going fairly in depth here, as many players have not played with you, and thus must base their support on this application.

      On the Servers section, maybe explain a bit about why you wish to be a moderator there and some of the situations you would hope to address as a moderator. It's always nice to better understand why an applicant chooses the servers they do, and what they are hoping to achieve on them to help the community.

      The last piece of feedback is in regards to formatting. Unfortunately you application was a bit tough to read as there were no obvious sections or lists. You may want to take a look at some of the higher rated applications for ideas on formatting, then adjust yours a bit.


      EDIT: I just saw that this forum account has another Moderator application posted under a different in-game name. Which is the actual account you are applying for moderator on? The forums rules stipulate one application per account, so please flag which is the proper one and which is a duplicate.

    3. Chibi

      Chibi Boss Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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    4. PayUp

      PayUp Well-Known Member

      Jul 6, 2014
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      No support
      1. Get to know the community more
      2. Be more active on forums
      3. Don't make more than one app

    5. iDash

      iDash Active Member

      Jan 6, 2015
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      thanks for feeback

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