Hello, Guy's I know I am very hated player on KitPVP and I cant take away my history so I am quttig Kitpvp you will no longer see me on this game mode unless I realy need to go on but to all my good team and or my x team like 8four4,Moey_the_king Marloodog I will see you on other mini games but I am just to hated now I loved this server so much guy's and I love most of the members I wish you all a happy 2015 but I am sad to announce XxGamingPeakXx and XGizzbots are not be seen any more good bye dear friends and former friends peace out :(
As all my 10+ sets of p4 and 10 k will stay in my accounts as I do not think any play realy deservers it at this point I have been betrayed so much
There once was a boy named marloodog playing kitpvp then a man came ( A fat one ) his name was XxGamingPeakxX oh wait it was xGizzbots oh wait it was Frotac oh wait it was MCPDaniel no it was englanddd.Then The most epic man in the world came moey Boy (me) I ate chicken and he was very handsome :D he saved marloodog from te 5 accounted alt man ( the fat guy ) an then marloodog ran away he ate some chicken aswell.In the futre he 6 alted fat man left the server and the marloodog owned Kfc and the Handsome man moey boy (me) owned the chicken store accros the road. Then Bluey ( bluediamond89) he came to the rescue and ate every single chicken on earth he ran away and he became fat ( I still Love u Bluey Boy) then he lost weight then ate the people of earth
Thanks, for the disrespecting my name do i care? No not really 1, Your a little kid you do not understand the rules in life, 2, You never appreciate no one in life, 3, When you get in trouble you keep going for example Mineverse- You got banned on "MCPDDaniel" so you started using your brothers account if im correct i am thinking "Englanddd" it got banned so then you got an account of your Uncle "Frotac" which has been banned for "DDos Threats" then after all these accounts you brought an account "StainPvP_" wich i got of you as you gave it to me as it was banned until i got it unnbanned as i got it so you keep going you then got "xXGamingPeakxX" then you brought "XGizzbots" to make @GizzBots angry witch was very rude, and inappropriate. 4, You were trying to make "GizzBots" un-team with his team mates by hitting them and un-teaming as you were making out you were "GizzBots" to make him have a bad personality. It kind of failed. 5, Your always Disrespecting everyone in Skype chat. Also on all social media for an example on this thread Calling me a "SCRUM" if that even a word suggesting incorrectly spelling. Calling me a "DOG" because my name on Minecraft is "Marloodog" that's just rude. 6, You always say stuff behind your friends back that's disrespectful. Last of all, You so immature and nice being friends with you disrespectful skid,
Cya. If you want to know why you were hated, I can tell you. Also, I suggest you learn to not treat people as if they were stupid. I, and my team knew that Frotac was MCPDDaniel(who was Englandddd), and xxGamingPeakxx/xGizzBots was also MCPDDaniel. It's really sad you spent $25(or whatever it was) on a fan account for me btw. Good luck in life.
You're all a bunch of hypocrites. Please, just stop your flame wars. You 11 year olds aren't going to get me angry. Please, just stop..
Check the ip - h'mm 1, 8four4 gave the account to Moey_the_king witch is not banned. 2, Moey_the_king is not banned. 8four4 is not banned. 3, Englanddd- is currently banned as he brought it of you, and it's currently banned on KitPvP since he just brought it of you and is getting unbanned if he provides evidence he owns the account to ScoFu13. As you have been ban evading on KitPvP Yes, what a waste of money to do that $26.99 just to make you a bad person on KitPvP which kind of failed. it's just sad he has to waste his money on a game to make someone angry. I do not think if he keeps going this way he will not have successful life. GizzBots- I like you and stuff you just do like me i'm pretty sure ? but i have taken your advice as you most probally see that i have left him as he is immature, rude, disrespectful, no life, and much more
GizzBots Is A calm and cool guy he is really nice of way he acts thinks and any other possibility :D He IS MY SON :DDDD
I do not understand why you guys are doing this lol. :PP Daniel, what a waste of money on an acct to 'try' and annoy me.. Me, and probably everyone who knows you did this think that you just wasted a ton of money. Well mods, I suggest you investigate into him ban evading. I understand you can't take my word(which kind of sucks), but I can tell you from knowledge that he is Englanddd, MCPDDaniel, Frotac, StainPvP_, xxGamingPeakxx, xGizzBots, Englandj(which he used to evade when he was banned on Englanddd) and he uses an alt dispenser. IP check him Cyp, I'm sure you'll find MANY alts.
@GizzBots That is true he does use an alt dispenser and he is of those account but I have currently bought englanddd off him he is very immature of what he is doing he is just seaking for attention.
GizzBots- That's true only the part of Englanddd is not his alt no more. StainPvP_ is not his alt no more. the rest are his alts, Englanddd- Has been sold to Moey_the_king StainPvP_- Has been sold to Marloodog (me) Alt Dispenser- Yes he does use an alt dispenser i hope that they find to Ip Ban him Banned accounts- MCPDDaniel, Frotac, Englandj are all banned that is his accounts = Ban Evading on xXGamingPeakxX XGizzbots In the first place he is Perm Banned on MCPDDaniel so hope he likes his Perm Ban !