1) My Ign - delvaren 2) Offenders Ign - 3) Why i report - because of anti knockback and kill aura 4) Evidence -
Onion you can easily tell by this you hack so good look on your ban appeal Kill Aura Anti knockback and probably fullbright and no fall etc
Obviously most hackers will use fullbright and nofall doesn't work on most servers but you probably were using that too but it doesn't matter because fall damage on that server is disabled and please becareful with your language and watch your spelling thanks
I do use hacks infact but I use them to stop hackers like you but I got banned for a misunderstanding working on getting unbanned atm but I feel for you won't be getting unbanned for this attitude
But the comment is off task your talking about somthing that has nothing to do with this post so please stop making me reply to this ...
I'm locking this thread. It's not done yet, but I'm talking with other mods about it. We don't need the constant post bumping and un-important info. If you have any information about the subject, you can message me on the forums.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.