Infection: Infection is a zombie mini-game. The aim of the game is kill the humans or survive against the zombies. Zombie have full chainmail armour and humans have Iron/diamond. At the start of the round 3 people are randomly picked and they are the zombies. Their aim is to kill every human in the given time frame (5 minutes). If they are successful then it's game over and another game will begin shorty after. Zombies also have speed III The humans goal is to survive against the zombies. If the zombie prevail and kill all of you, then the LAST person alive reserves 1 experience level. You keep your levels when you die. If the humans survive till the end then it is game over. Nobody gets a level as everyone has survived. If you are killed by a zombie. You become a zombie. So the numbers slowly change to the point where the zombies are greater. Map glitch: If you are killed just as the game is ending or if you're the last human to die. You will usually be glitched inside the map or you wont be able to respawn, if this happens. Type /suicide and you will no longer be glitched. Doing this will bring you back to spawn. If you can't respawn. Just log out and rejoin. Bedrock: Stepping on bedrock WILL hurt you. For every second you are on it you will take 2 hearts of damage. It doesn't matter how good your armour is. Rules: Just like any game-mode, Infection has rules that you need to follow in order to not get banned/muted/kicked. Bukkit:me: If a player is muted and uses this command. They will be automatically banned, however, you can use this command if you're not muted. But please don't swear or spam with it. Prestige spamming: If you are prestige level 6 or 7, you are not allowed to use your perk more than once a game. If you are caught not following this rule, you will be banned. Chat rules: Please keep chat clean and do not spam/ repeat sentences or swear. Doing this may result in a kick/mute/ban depends on how bad it is. Hacking: The only hack/mod permitted on Infection is "Optifine." If you are caught using any other hack you will be banned immediately. OP Zombies: Donors can also use their kits as zombies. So watch out! If you see someone with their kit on, they might be a zombie. Ranks: [Rct] level 0. [Pvt] level 4 [PFC] level 8 [LCpl] level 14 [Cpl] level 20 [Sgt] level 30 [SSgt] level 40 [GySgt] level 50 [MSGt] level 60 [1stSgt] level 75 [MGySgt] level 100 [SgtMaj] level 120 Prestige levels: Prestige levels are zombie bonuses. The higher your Prestige. The better bonuses you get. To Prestige type /Prestige rankup You need 120 levels to Prestige. When you Prestige you will lose all your levels and human bonuses but will gain very rewarding advantages as zombies. Prestige level 1: Projectile Protection on chain mail armour. Prestige level2: Blast protection 1 on chain mail armour Prestige level 3: Protection 1 on chain mail armour. Prestige level 4: Fire aspect 1 or Iron sword. Prestige level 5: Sharp 1 on Iron swrod. Prestige level 6: 1 egg. Prestige level 7: A bow and 1 arrow. Prestige level 8: 2 arrows. (No bow) Prestige level 9: 3 arrows. (No bow) Prestige level 10: 4 arrows. (No bow) Donor Perks: Premium: Access to /pet Access to /kit premiumXP: 5x XP Bottles (24 hour cool down) And access to /kit premium: 1x Iron Helmet 1x Iron Chest Plate. 1x Iron Leggings. 1x Iron Boots. 1x Iron Sword. [Sharpness I] (5 minute cool down) Sponsor: Access to /kit sponsorXP: 10x XP Bottles (22 hour cool down) And access to /kit sponsor: 1x Iron Helmet. 1x Iron Chest Plate. 1x Iron Leggings. 1x Diamond Boots. 1x Iron Sword [Sharpness I, Knockback I] (5 minute cool down) VIP: Access to /kit vipXP: 15x XP Bottles (20 hour cool down) And access to /kit vip: 1x Diamond Helmet. 1x Iron Chest Plate. 1x Iron Leggings. 1x Diamond Boots. 1x Iron Sword [Sharpness II] (5 minute cool down) MVP: Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit mvpXP: 20x XP Bottles (18 hour cool down) And access to /kit mvp: 1x Diamond Helmet. 1x Iron Chest Plate. 1x Diamond Leggings. 1x Diamond Boots. 1x Iron Sword. [Sharpness II, Fire Aspect I] (5 minute cool down) Elite: Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit eliteXP: 25x XP Bottles (16 hour cool down) And access to /kit elite: 1x Diamond Helmet. 1x Diamond Chest Plate. 1x Diamond Leggings. 1x Diamond Boots. 1x Diamond Sword [Sharpness I] (5 minute cool down) Supreme: Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit supremeXP: 30x XP Bottles (14 hour cool down) And access to /kit supreme: 1x Diamond Helmet. 1x Diamond Chest Plate. 1x Diamond Leggings. 1x Diamond Boots. 1x Diamond Sword [Sharpness II, Knockback I] (5 minute cool down) God: Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit godXP: 35x XP Bottles (12 hour cool down) And access to /kit god: 1x Diamond Helmet [Protection I] 1x Diamond Chest Plate [Protection I] 1x Diamond Leggings [Protection I] 1x Diamond Boots [Protection I] 1x Diamond Sword [Sharpness III, Knockback II] (5 minute cooldown) Titan: Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit TianXP: 64x XP Bottles (12 hour cool down) And access to /kit Titan: 1x Diamond Helmet [Protection II] 1x Diamond Chest Plate [Protection II] 1x Diamond Leggings [Protection II] 1x Diamond Boots [Protection II] 1x Diamond Sword [Sharpness IV, Knockback II] (5 minute cooldown) ROLFS: A "ROFL" is what a human gets when they kill 4-6 zombies+ Same applies to zombies. When you get a ROFL you get little bonuses to try and help you survive easier. Human ROFLS: Airstrike: And airstrike in like a TnT explosion. When you get an airstrike you will receive a red stone torch. When you place it down, it will blow up in 2-3 seconds. The blast usually lasts 5 seconds. Snowball: When you get a snowball, you can throw it at zombies. It weakens, slows, blinds and gives the zombie nausea for 10-15 seconds. Arrows: Sometimes you will get an extra 8 arrows to help you kill zombies. Golden Apple: If you're lucky you'll get a Golden apple! This is the normal version not the god version. Zombie ROFLS: Egg: After the zombie has kileld 4-6 humans, he/she will get an egg. Throw the egg at humans and it gives them poison 3 for 10-16 seconds. This will get them to half a heart and make them a one shot kill. Spider eye: This is a pointless perk. Eat this and you will become dizzy and hungry. So, this is a basic overview and guide to Infection. I hope this helps. I will add more if I missed anything out.
I would just like to make a note that I contributed :D. Also, just saying ya might want to include the fact that donors cna use their kit as zombies so people know that there are "OP" zombies. Also, are harmless mods allowed, such as shaders and that sort?
"Only hack/mod allowed is optifine". Incorrect, you can use better sprint and quick bar, mods aren't bannable. "If you die you can't use your perks like eggs". No, the rule specifically states you can't /suicide for it, but if you die nothing says you can't use it after you die due to pvp or something Space between "prestige level2". When you win and you suicide you gain a extra lvl. Other than that I like it.
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You forgot to include something. There is a glitch were a human can rofl a human. For example, on jungle, there are trees many blocks in the air. If a human takes a snowball and hits a human, they might manage to knock him/her of the tree. If the player dies from fall damage, this will count as a ROFL for the human who knocked the player off. The player that had died will respawn as a zombie. (I'm not sure if this glitch still exists.) :p
What is the point of prestige 8-10 if you can only use your perk once? Like If I get 2 arrows can't I only use one of them?