No support I simply asked you for a titan pick axe on Op prison and You replied "No Fgt it costs Money Dumb @$$"
Just because I'm 12 doesn't mean I shouldn't become mod. On this server there has been 12 year old mods.
First off, Fruit, good luck and I wish you all the best if you become mod. I fully support everything you've said in your application and you are a very nice person. On the other hand however, I do have to agree with some people about the fact that you are 12 years old, and 12 is really when you haven't reached your peak maturity levels yet. I understand that you may not agree with me on that, but trust me, give it a few more years, build up your reputation in the community and then apply. Another thing is, I believe another aspect you could work on is not being biased? I don't know about you but if I was put in a situation where my best friend was in an argument with another person I hadn't previously associated with, I would immediately consider my friend before the other person and support them. So basically, you need to be mentally prepared to put responsibility over friendship. Anyways, good luck Fruit and I fully support your choices. Alpha.
Thank you so much for your support! This really means a lot that you took the time to write this great response.
Get more active and known on the forums, and help more. Other than that, nice mod app, but no support for now.
Sorry, I don't support. Too young :/ Good person, good app, but I really dislike a server being controlled by younger people. Sorry again :(
I disagree with others posting saying that she is too young. I think Fruit would make a good Guard. I don't know about moderator like another poster has said. Simply because you haven't been very active on the forums. That being said, I believe that people shouldn't have to be active on the forums to be a Guard. If you are active in the server in which you choose, then you are suited for the job. As for her not reaching her peak maturity level, Ive got news for you, NO ONE here has reached their peak maturity level. Not even us adults! People are constantly changing. I believe if the younger kids can do a fine job at it, give them a chance. You never know, if they start young, they might stick around longer and become very well known and loved. After saying all this I fully SUPPORT.
Thank you so much Dyna_Mighty. This really means a lot that you wrote this much just to tell people not to judge someone by their age.