Mookiezx suck...night fire and fuse and kinda of me are oper and most of us are oper than mookiezx she get reckt ez
True that! I dont have a rank and SOMETIMES (once every 3 maps.) i totally rek at infection! Also Furrybones should b on infection list, I teamed with him before he left and i swear i never died.
KitPvP Top Opest: @Nineup, @GalaxyWay123, @Oniontacobean, @Dontchallengeme, @mastertucker , @Romarcadette, @McNerd234, @CosmicGalaxy32, @PvP_Forever, @Axis458, @BuilderNicky1, @MaxNinja10, @quadcrafters
Kitpvp: McNerd, archerhead, , Zero_Insanity, Ringo24, UncleUrnesto, SourPatchSpartan Op PvP: HAZARDgamer42, Ringo24, SwagSwagYolo, ethanonnies, DoctorDistructo, Its_Time_For_Bed, and me >:D OpFactions: UncleUrnesto and The3Nick56 Survival: Ares_Xena and MinkyChinky Op Prison: Cryptic_Luxury and Dontchallengeme Prison: __EliteGamer__ and lukey_luke skywars: ME Skygrid: ELIT3Ghost4, ME, MrSooch, ej8kidd (used to be op ;p), Yjayo, Bloodymess506, Shoehead21, and harry whatever Factions: Dillon232, Zero_Insanity, redpen (numbers), LeBrand, DiscDog, Ducky Infection: Mookiezzx, xXNIRVANAFANXx or something, captainpigfan, and NightFire88539 BvZ: idk
This is stupid I rek everyone on kitpvp and I never get mentioned then my computer broke and I haven't been on. Then I got a new computer and it was a laptop. Its slow with so much lag and bad ping. So, I haven't been that great lately. I beat Minecraftnerd before and a lot of people. The only people that was threat was dontchallenge and onion and mcnerd. I am just mad that I a never mentioned for anything
Even when you did kill me it was when you were hacking xD also when you killed me you madea frigin post about killing me x3... so you? being op? lol no
To me? It doesn't matter. I don't want a title to define who I am. A title shouldn't make people fist fight each other (figuratively )