I'd have to say I'm one the the most OP players on Infection. I'm sponsor and I can wreck Gods, Titans, etc.
Kitpvp: GizzBots Prison: __EliteGamer__ OpFactions: Th3Nick56 OpPvp: Lots of good players, Survival: don't play there much OpPrison: meh
My average is 5, although my record is 68. :3 The only reason Nirvana and Mookiez get so much is because they have op ranks, me and @Scorpio_Venom are those sponsor buds. xD
Mookie and Nirvanafan aren't very "OP" Just their kits and they always go to places full of god and titans :/ I hide alone most of the time unless people follow me.
mili20 hacks. and hes' eZZZZ redpen is sorta eZ ashley is ez how about this. GET OVER IT. FACTION = EZ they cant combo or rek maybe just zero. others are just mcmmo noobs
I have a question. Why are you guys so stooped? (not trying to be mean) but hackers aren't good pvpers. ok? You maybe dont know they hack. but I do. so yea.
_Mega shut up opfactions isnt the party. I myself hate kitpvp. but kitpvp is actually better than ANY other for LEGIT pvp. And _MEGA babe. you aint good <3