In Creative many people have the problem when you get a death item you continuously die and having no way of fixing it other than CypriotMerkz or Noobcrew to fix it. The Solution is: When you die in creative you lose all your items. This is the only possible way to help Cypt and Noob with the creative problem as it won't need to be dealt with all the time. Downside to this: People will lose any OP items they own in there inventory. Please show your support!
This is a possibility.... Losing items is better than being unable to play, and hopefully people would be careful with what they carry around. Dying in creative isn't incredibly common, so I don't see a huge issue. Support for now.
It is happening every once and a while. Do you think maybe the Admins maybe getting tired fixing this problem?
No, I understand that people die with the crash items. I mean that other than that, dying in creative is uncommon, so people won't complain about losing things.