LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Minecraftnerd? really? I have like 30k and 2 alts of p4u3 (filled inventory and echest) and like 5 stacks of crap apples and like 20 god apples lol. I also got raided on prison so give that position to either LeeLee or Nickwongold
Ducky and Ducky_Puppy are the same person :t and AnkokuMajo is still way more OP then all of you on hellblock.
Hush thunder thighs. All the p4u3 is legit. I gave all of that to samuel and master and spooky. God apples are mostly legit and the crapples are all legit. Money can't be taken from players so that's legit as well.
Mad? I only have 2k unlegit. Not too much of a big deal. I'm probably more legit then you are, in fact. The way you try to communicate with other humans gives me brain cancer. Stop while you are only a few decades behind the evolutionary status we are all at.