I'm sponsor which barely makes a difference and I'm already Prestige 5 ^^. Considering I quit for 7 months, i've only played for 5 - 6, not too bad at all c:
Survival probably me or Ares.. All my old buds I used to hangout with quit. All we have is @EnderStevePigMan And @Ares_Xena there is some advice if you wanna pvp there .
It's nice to be included in this list as a candidate for infection, but im not the best on/at infection. Try smasher or one of the other legends. There are prestige 10 and around lvl 1000+. But once again thanks.
Yeah, if you know anyone in the club, the whole team usually let you chill as long as you don't steal or disturb anyone.
Factions, Op Factions: Ducky, Th3Nick56. Prison: Anyone that has P4 even though it's worthless now and a million gapples. Imo, there is a lot of tryharder free defaults there. Op PvP: xoxotoxicgirl, Fortune_X (before he left ;-;) Kit PvP: Minecraftnerd234 (even though we're not team), I don't play it a lot so idek. Infection: Too much nubs that can't PvP and call hacks. Skyblock: Anyone with stacks of diamonds. Skygrid: idek
I think i'm one of the richest on prison. I know @thorraks1, @m00_ima_fish, @lukey_luke and @Nickwongold are up there.