Just because you're above P9 doesn't mean you're good. I literally smash those guys when it comes to PvP.
Well most are Like word and night and gegory. Thers soo many op people in infection that jli cant make a list. Like your a really good+ op player
I believe that Zero_Inzanity is one of the best Faction players. He's always on and everyone fears him.
Lol im too good thats why i have 2 prestige 10 accounts and i am btw to make you jealous prestige 20 on xrosmage i have 1200 levels XD.
I would be on the infection list, the thing is, every one on the infection list is MVP+ which means they have op advantages ;-;. I would rek if I had MVP, Elite, Supreme +
Oppvp a guy called twin_nic he's ping is soo good it looks like he's hacking.... Without his ping he's crap.... Don't go near club on oppvp there where he hangs
Top 10 of KitPvP Kitpvp: nineup , oniontacobean, gizzbots, vJiggles, Romarcadette, skillbill63, dcm, mcnerd, quad, and Cypriotmerkz
I played infection for about a year then stopped. #OneOfTheAncients (Hehe, I remember when I killed Cypriot on infection. Good ol' times )
I wrecked everyone when I had no rank. I remember that time when Night recorded me with my kill aura.
those people don't know how to pvp they only survive because of the kits you should see how good some of the low ranks do.
I agree with this. I probs have one of the best echests, and 27k is alright. Dannyboy would be in there aswell because he has like... 70k lol.