I'll do a legit list: Kit PvP: @GizzBots or @McNerd234. OP PvP: Anyone who usually hangs out at the night club. (I do) Infection: @NoobCupCake, @xxELITE, @kegmister and @Blockypro123. Prison: @xxELITE, @thorraks1, @m00_ima_fish, @xxEVILxELMOxx and @Nickwongold. OP Prison: @Cryptic Luxury. OP Factions: @Th3Nick56 d. Regular Factions: @JosephMcN. Skyblock: @mind_trap. Hellblock: @NoobCupCake and @xxELITE. Survival: @Ares_Xena. This is roughly my accurate list.
Lion can't be the best on factions. He hacked for his McMMO on both factions servers. He told me that in a Skype call.
Infection: Wbc, @3yerrt , @xxELITE , @Nightfire88539 and Me Probably the most known and skilled players on Infection not trying to sound cocky
My skill in infection is WAY better than before. Trust me ;):>:PP:cp: @jedijosiah U aren't the most OP on infection lol.
I'm pretty good at all Gamemodes, in my opiuon. I would defently say I'm not the richest or highest mcmmo but I'm pretty good at PvP but I'm terrible on KitPvP.
Infection: Fuse, Wbc , Gregory05 and me :p. ( old players for many many months but still op and were) Prison: Danger_Pvp, Lukey_Luke. Op pvp: The club. Kit pvp, Nick and SkillB. Op Prison: Lukey_luke. Bvz: The zombies of course. Skywars: Flare_snuggles, Tin15cro and xxxvan. Survival: Max.
But not me? .-. I'm more OP Than you on infection. lmao. DANGER_PVP? LOL Also, lukey's not OP, He just has alot of McMMO skills. ;)