I don't know if anyone made a thread on this but I guess I will. Hey guys, as many of you should know. Star Wars VII is coming out in a few months, I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were. Are you guys excited, cause I am :P. Teaser trailer: (For all of you who haven't seen it) -Josh
I'm excited for the movie. However ,I think the lightsabers look idiotic. I wish they could have kept them to the way they were shown originally.
The new lightsaber is actually really logical. The two tiny bits form to become a crossguard, which prevent y'know, hands from getting cut off.
Anakin turned into Darth Vader, and when he fought with Luke, he cut off his hand. EDIT: Anakin's right arm was chopped off. Like father like son :33
The new lightsaber design actually makes no sense as it is used being powered by one crystal which makes the crystal weaker. The 2 extra little beams couldn't possible sustain a lightsaber hitting them. Also persay of the movie all I have to say is there IS NO BLACK STORM TROOPERS. No where in the starwars universe was there ever black storm troopers. they are all clones of Jango fett who is white.
Yes, I am extremely excited. I would spam dis thread about how excited I am if I could ;). Oh, and the guy with da red lightsaber is one of Han solo and Princess Leia's children.
His right hand was chopped off by Count Dooku and replaced by a robot hand hence why he always wears a single black glove on his right hand. Then at Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith he lost both of his legs and his entire left arm to Obi Wan Kenobi, aaand in the last movie I think he lost his hand to Luke in the final battle. Star Wars nerd here.. -flee- EDIT : To contribute to this thread, I still find that new lightsaber stupid.
It's called a gene mutation, clones aren't always perfect, the copies may be mutated; therefore, it is very possible to have a black clone. I think your remark is simply racist no offence. Anyways, I'll respect your opinion and I agree with the lightsaber part.
I don't ever mean to be racist. any ways I've currently taking a genetics course in my college class you can't get a black person from a white person unless the white person had a black ancestor and pretty sure following the starwars lore Jango never had a black ancestor in fact starwars may be quite racist as the only black guy gets killed by an old guy and the black guy has a girlish lightsaber.
The black storm trooper just set the whole starwars community into ruins I honestly think it could add an interesting aspect.
I've never really watched star wars, I haven't watched all of them, but I've watched some, but not the entire movie. I've played the lego versions on ps2 :t: :t: