WTF IS THIS. LOL. Nobody else's screen looks like this. It's either just a glitch with the tp or your texture pack?? Maybe idk.
Yeah, my Magic32edit texture pack was made for 1.8, And since texture packs can also change the look of skins it glitched out with player skins
Also guys, the swastika on my texture pack wasn't me, I don't hail hitler and support his decisions, It's just there
Nah, the texture pack is 1.8, but I went on 1.7.5 so I could get on Kohi, didn't change back and that happened,
I went to the zoo, I saw her, She saw me, She licked me, And I took her home, Her ex boyfriend was a Zookeeper and he called the cops when he saw me with her, So she picked me up and I rode her home o.o