Marloodog's Application aYou in game name - Marloodog How Old Am I- 11 Years Of Age currently. What Time Zone am i currently- Australian Eastern Time Zone (UTC+10:00) I currently live in Australia what languages do i speak I can only speak "English" Why do i think i should become a Moderator. Being a Moderator is hard work, banning, doing reports, helping people who are having problems and so on. But being a mod keeps the server really perfect without any trouble. There are so many tasks/threads to handle with, someone ban-appealing and more, but being helpful is the thing you are mostly needed from being a mod. Eventually on Op Pvp, Kitpvp and Factions, there are loads of hackers, a moderators duty is to ban hackers on the gm. Each gm should have a mod to make the server fun and exciting. I know some of the commands that have in need, example, /ban, /kick, /mute and more. On the first day i came on Mineverse, i hopped onto kit pvp and there were no hackers, spammers, abusers and others, till now, the server is full with them, not exactly. I don't spam, advertise, abuse either hack. I'd really think that one day in-game on Mineverse there would be no hackers seen, that it is true. But not everyday. The thing is, the server is created for people to join and have fun, making friends, and loads more, though we don't want to ruin that with a pile of hackers, spammers, abusers, and more. Everyone needs to read the rules, if they don't they won't know what they are doing, like hacking. Hacking is not allowed on almost every server. I would really hope that the community would be safe in sound. Spamming is directly not allowed, it annoys us when we are trying to chat to each other, but it's our job to report and ban, mute or warn that player. I report hackers, spammers, abusers and so on. When people go mental, they start to abuse players and argue using inappropriate language at the areas we are in. We do not want that to happen anyways, but by muting would get them to stop what they were doing previously. A mod has manners, making people feel welcome and happy, but moderators do not swear. We are here to help people, get everyone safe, everyone to have fun, making the community right, but not abusing, swearing or hacking to mess up this area/place. Since i'm active at times, i'm able to stay on each gm for a while. How long can you be active everyday? Monday- 3-8 Hours Tuesday- 3-8 Hours Wednesday- 3-8 Hours Thursday- 3-8 Hours Friday- 6-14 Hours Saturday- 6-15 Hours Sunday- 6-9 Hours On Holidays i can go for double the time. How long have you been playing It's hard to think back i use to play on a friends account called "Abbeysmith" have not been online that account since 11 months ago. I have been playing since: Wednesday, 8 January 2014 Have you been banned in the past:Yes i have been banned in the past for hacking i do not do that no more never have since probably 11 months ago. when i got my account Marloodog so please do not judge on past.. Do you have any past experience of being a Moderator: Yes i have been a Moderator/Main-Owner on servers before i was a Main-Owner for a server that was my mates i was Main-Owner for the following reason that i did most of the plugins i banned most of the hackers and players using illegal rules. i had access to console on that server. So yes i have got Experience. Which two server would i like to Moderate. I would like my two favorite servers. KitPvP- OpPvP Red & Green colors for Christmas. Please do not judge on the past. Thank you for reading ~Marloo's Appeal
No support, at all. Threatening to Dos me. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
Thanks Thanks for the support That was actually not me if it was in that teamspeak call it was some other person faking to be me.
Ermagewd, he's done this to me too. Not to mention downgrading me(as seen in the picture). Very passionate and strong no support.. Edit: That status advertising thoughh.... :eek: (In pic also)
Yes, as i said please do not judge in the past i'm sorry for that i admitted that stuff to the Moderators such as Chloeyybear4ever. i just did that as my old fake friends frotac and bluediamond89 were forcing me to do it. i like you GizzBots Just letting you know but thanks for your feedback
stop it. This is turning into a flame thread. @3yerrt if you can kindly close this thread. This is getting out of hand.
Reporting due to mod accidentally deleting it, @3yerrt I'm allowed to advertise my YouTube. Nice try though. Advertising your mod app by tagging people isn't the best way to go. Oh also.... That was posted September 26th and you've been banned for other reasons too, haven't you? Saying "don't judge me by my past" doesn't give you a get out of jail free card. You've lied, threatened to ddos, downgraded, hacked, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was more.
I have read this already tones of time do not comment on my appeal again i do not like it @3yerrt Please remove the post.
No support. Reasons: - You're extremely immature. - You threatened to kill me in-real life, and DDoS me in-game. - You hack. (Probably still do) - You downgrade people. - You rage alot when you die. These are my reasons. I will not start a flame war, but these are the reasons why you will not receive my support, and you will never, ever receive a support from me. Good luck.
U'mm you reported me on OpPvP with evidence which was enough to ban me for a while then i got unbanned as it was incorrect so i do not hack thanks.
I found a video of you hacking on @GizzBots' channel, I'm pretty sure. And I'll add to my reasons list. - Grammar and English is appauling.