Ign: _MEGA_COOKIE_ Game mode banned on: Opfactions Link to accepted appeal: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/op-factions-ban-appeal-fryz-accepted.36519/page-2#post-369980 Timezone and times usually online: GMT. usually all day everyday
Stop acting like a mini-mod. Your doing nothing and not helping. Leave this thread if you have nothing useful to give.
Mega cookie, currently /unban isn't working. Which moderators can only unban people by temp banning them for 2-3 seconds and then your unbanned. Sometimes it's glitchs and your not unbanned. For quicker unbanning visit this thread and put the details in. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/he...till-banned-in-game.26476/page-12#post-333111
I am not being an idiot. I'm using common sense. I am first doing something you could't do, and secondly helping someone. Like a quoted before. If you are not any help, leave this thread now. :eh
Are you that stupid? I've told Mega cookie where to help him/her to get unbanned from op factions and also tried to stop you from saying anything bad on this thread. Stop getting off topic and leave now if you have nothing to help.
It is currently and nearly is. If anything more gets out of hand, I'm bringing a moderator into this thread.