Okay. 4GB isn't so bad... buy your PC is just sufficient for minecraft. Expect lag. Don't expect over a to get above 50FPS. But it's decent.
That computer is horrible, I got basically the same one for cheaper. Why not get a gaming computer like this one. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Cybertron...-Series-4100-3.6-GHz-8-GB-DDR3-SDRAM/39558122 You could have gotten this one for alittle bit more.
Well.... I have a 7 or so year old Compaq windows vista shiet box. I live on 12 fps. Don't mess with me. :t:
its decent ignore the pc "elites" idiots who don't understand a thing called not every one has all the money in the world.
Listen, dude. Minecraft is a really simple game to run, especially in multiplayer. If that's all you plan on doing on your laptop, you should be fine.
Maybe but like I said. If minecraft is the ONLY thing he plans on using is laptop for, then he's most likely fine